Stirchley Tea Dance Group

A terrific time was had with Eileen & John from the Stirchley Tea Dance Group last week. We traced waltzes, a jive and a tango  onto paper as the first stage in making visual part of the dancing history of the baths. All of theses dances would have been happening at the baths in the 1940’s when they covered the pool for their non stop dance events.


I’m now working with waltz steps to make this into a design for the dancing mat that will go in the baths entrance foyer. It’s been great to meet other groups who are using the baths also – the jazz dance group – great energy! and the barn dance group; you could see what they do as a metaphor for community  – everyone is working together to make something happen. We’re starting to plan the launch for when the mat is made and in place; a celebration of dance in the baths.

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