Bid Development News Update

Great news that Emma and Jayne from Place Prospectus have been asked to contribute to this round 2 Heritage Lottery funded development phase.

They are taking as a starting point  the ceremonial key which was featured in their vision document of March 2012, marking the end of Stirchley Prospects. Neil sent us a great image of the key the other day as well.

Jayne says “The key seemed to be an important symbol of business, community and government working together at the turn of the century.Over the next week or so Emma and I will be out and about gathering information so that we can develop our ideas. This will result in a temporary visual artwork and help shape something that can be permanently displayed in the building”.

All sounds very intriguing…

See below Place Prospector’s vision document (Vision_doc_innerfinal (1)) and (Vision_doc_frontfinal (1)), which is a nice visual summary of the work they have been doing with the Stirchley community. It also features the coaster they made from an advertisement for the baths which is featured above.  I hope they have got some left – wouldn’t mind one for myself!

You can see more about their work at and

Welcome to the HLF bid development team!


    • Jamie Summerfield says:

      Hi Jane – that’s magnificent isn’t it?! Although the community hub won’t be a museum, it’s vital that as many historical features are maintained and that the building’s heritage plays a major role

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