Here are two documents that formed part of the successful application to the heritage Lottery Fund.
The first is the Interpretation Proposal, which shows plans for how the history that relates to the building might be shared when the work is done. It starts by telling us the aim is to:
“… take a light-touch approach to in situ interpretation materials. Stirchley Baths has many stories to tell and to a considerable extent the building will speak for itself. Our aim is to provide interpretation materials that will enhance or further illustrate these stories, or will lead users of the building to stories that they may not have been aware of. We will aim to provoke interest and enquiry, and also point the way to where the curious may discover more. We will do this mainly through the use of photographs and enlarged facsimiles of original documents, with little or no explanatory text.”
Click here or on the image below to download it.

The other is the Activity plan which sets out the sorts of things that will happen – in relationship to heritage – at the hub and in the wider community. Click here or on the image to download.

Thanks for masses of hard work from the local heritage buildings charity Birmingham Conservation Trust for producing these.