Stirchley Baths is looking to commission a Birmingham based, emerging or early career craft practitioner to develop and produce a ceremonial key inspired by the heritage of the building. When the building was opened in 1911 a beautiful ceremonial key was presented. The 2015 key will be used at the opening event of the building, and both the 1911 and 2015 key will be on display within the building on long term exhibition.

The successful craft practitioner will include a digital element to the commission also, meaning the 2015 key have a wider use than just a physical key, it will have a digital presence too. The commission is open to all types of crafts people, so the final work might be made from anything from fabric, wood, plastic or recycled materials.
Applicants should send up to 300 words about their practice, photographs depicting examples of previous work and an ideas on how you might approach the project to
Fee: £500, plus up to £500 material costs (expenses paid on receipt on delivery of work).
Deadline for applications: Monday 14 September 2015.
The commission must be completed by Friday 16 October 2015.