NEW for 2017: Stirchley Baths Memory Café & Creative Reminiscence Project

We are delighted to announce that from 24 April 2017 we will be holding a free monthly ‘Memory Cafe’ at Stirchley Baths. At our Memory Cafe we will be inviting people with dementia, Alzheimer’s and with memory problems along with a family member, friend or carer, to talk about the past in a relaxed and welcoming environment. We hope to trigger memories by using props, music, dance, film and the Baths building itself. This monthly activity is being developed as part of the Stirchley Baths Heritage Programme, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and we hope it becomes a regular feature in the Baths’ regular event programme, run with the support of volunteers.

We are working with Louise Deakin to develop the sessions here. Louise has set up a popular Memory Cafe at Soho House Museum and knows the history of the Baths and area well. Also joining us is local artist Rachel Duggan from Leaf Creative Arts, who will be running a small creative activity at each Memory Cafe session based around our themes.

Alongside, and as an extension of the Memory Cafe, Rachel will be running a project called Creative Reminiscence which includes a further two creative and inclusive workshops at the Baths each month.
For dates and further information about both new initiatives, please see the details on the posters below.

If you would like to book a place at the Memory Cafe, please contact us by email: or telephone: 0121 4649072.

If you would like to book a place at a Creative Reminiscence Workshop, please contact Rachel directly by phone: 07886 546639 or email:

Any questions, please contact Rachel from Leaf Creative Arts, or ask for Suzanne Carter, the Community Heritage Coordinator, at Stirchley Baths.


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