Tag: renaissance award

Stirchley Baths Wins 2015 Renaissance Award


The Planning Committee met in March following their visits to three nominated buildings for the 2015 Renaissance Award:

  • Stirchley Baths
  • Fiddle & Bone
  • Eagle & Ball – BCU Student Union Bar

Stirchley Baths – Planning Committee’s comments:-

The work that the team have done on restoring the former baths and bringing it back into positive, community use was very impressive. The way that the community has been involved in the restoration as well as on going involvement is exemplary. Whilst there was discussion about the loss of the baths, there was an historical example of how the baths were temporarily over boarded to provide a dance hall! This interesting story shows how the space could be, and has been imaginatively re-used. The building appears to be well used by the local community and it has helped bring together various groups and organisations that would have otherwise never met. It has clearly had a hugely positive affect on the local community.

Judging Process

As part of the judging process, the Committee complete a judging form where they consider the condition of the original building, the restoration works and the completed project. Each Committee Member completes the judging form independently. The scores are then collated and help give some moderation to their considerations.

Summary & Recommendations

The Planning Committee were unanimous in recommending that the 2015 Renaissance Award be awarded to Stirchley Baths.


This is great recognition for a truly collaborative effort – Thank you to everyone who has supported the project over the last few years