Stirchley resident Shona McQuillan on why the HLF decision for Stirchley Baths – due very soon – just has to be a yes…
“I love the regeneration idea for Stirchley Baths. Making use of a beautiful, richly historic existing building rather than plundering cash into carbon-copy new-build is vital – and is something that should be happening more and more.
The plans won’t wipe out what’s there already, rather they will make the most of Stirchley’s unique traits and personality.
The community hub can factor in the whole spectrum of potential trade and cultural activity. Its community spaces will bring members of the community together when they might not normally be encouraged to do so.
The regeneration of Stirchley Baths could have a pivotal role in the rebirth of the area and support of such diverse activity. The time to sow the seeds of the renaissance is now.”
The decision from HLF is expected very soon. Please tell us why it *has* to be a ‘yes’ by:
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