Tomorrow will be the 6th year of Stirchley Fun Day. It’s beginnings stem from the then elected councillors (Timothy Huxtable, Rob Sealy, and Nigel Dawkins ) suggesting that should the Neighbourhood Forum apply for funding they would support the application. The funding was granted and the council helped a great deal in the early days, not only funding for the event but also sorting things like event licencing, permission to use the park and public liability insurance.
The first year was quite slow, probably because the only advertisement was posters in and around Stirchley. The next year was busier, flyers were printed and volunteers distributed them. That’s when things really began to take off. Last year a local sign maker was asked to make banners for the event, which he did for free, as he was happy to support local not for profit community events, even though his business is located in Cotteridge.
Last year the event was funded by The National Lottery Fund to the tune of just over £6,000, but this source of funding is a one off event. This year it has proved very difficult to obtain funds. This year’s funding is £1850.00, however, this hasn’t deterred the Neighbourhood Forum. To manage the shortfall in funding, the decision was made to change the name and the venue, the thinking was that if residents came along to Hazelwell Park expecting the same as last year that they would be slightly disappointed. This years event will take place on Saturday 6th September in Stirchley Park. For those who aren’t familiar, Stirchley Park is located at the rear of the Co-op and can be accessed from an entrance near Farm Foods and Bond Street. The park’s importance to the community will grow over he next few years, as it is directly behind Stirchley Baths.

Nearly everyone who had stalls for the event in the past have rebooked for this year and the children’s rides will still be free.

There will also be the return of the famous Stirchley raffle!
Neighbourhood Forum Chairman Peter Walker says:
‘I am still amazed at the generosity of local Traders and at how the word has spread further. We now have prizes from the hippodrome, Cadbury world, businesses in Cotteridge and even from the National Trust. I think over 70 prizes so far, have to thank Rowena Evans especially, without whom we would have no funding to start with plus she has done all the stall bookings for me, my wife Margaret, who has to organise and put up with me, and also the raffle. Brenda who also collects prizes and Di from Stirchley News Facebook & Twitter, who has received prizes from further afield (like the golf for two on the Lickey Hills).’
We hope Stirchley residents will enjoy the event this year and for many years to come!
I notice your photo which says The Bourne Brook passes through Stirchley Park…..its just The Bourn or sometimes referred to as The River Bourn.
The Bourn Brook actually runs through Selly Oak and joins the River Rea down by Cannon Hill Park.
It is a bit confusing, especially when the word ‘bourn’ was used to describe a ‘brook’ years ago. That would make the ‘brook brook’ running through Selly Oak and the ‘river brook’ running through Stirchley Park. There is of course Riverbrook Drive off Cartland Road which used to be called Riverside Avenue…..if that makes sense…..lol.
Thanks for this Aladdin. I’ve just looked at Google maps and you’re right, it’d just called The Bourn. Strangely stirchley Park isn’t on there which might account for so many people not knowing about it. I will have to check an a-z.